The mission of the Academic Resource Center (ARC) is to provide the support needed to allow all students to become successful learners in the Serra community. This support includes helping students become self-advocates, who discover the accommodations that will aid them in their endeavors at Serra, while developing a “set of tools” to take with them when they go on to college.  

Gayle Rosenberg, a board certified educational therapist, is Serra’s full-time director of the ARC. Gina Furrer and André Monnéy, both credentialed teachers, and Guillermo Jimenez, are full-time ARC associates, who also work closely with students in the resource center. In addition to working with students during the school day, Rosenberg and her staff aid the faculty in teaching and making accommodations for students who have learning differences. In order to qualify for services a student must have either a psychoeducational evaluation, an active IEP or a 504 Plan that was written in the last three years complete with the appropriate diagnosis.

There is an additional program fee for students enrolled in the ARC.

Several programs are in place to help students who have been diagnosed with learning differences.

Current parents with questions about applying? email Gayle Rosenberg

Prospective parents with questions about applying? email Admissions


Resource Center Accommodations

ARC members participate in at least one team meeting each year, which is attended by the student and at least one family member. Mrs. Rosenberg reviews the student’s individual learning plan and addresses how the student is incorporating accommodations and study strategies into his studies. By the eleventh grade, the student is able to lead the meeting because he has learned how to advocate for himself.

Extended Time Tests

Students who have been identified as having learning differences are entitled to extended time on tests. The faculty is provided with an up-to-date list of all students who qualify for this accommodation; however, it is up to the student to ask the teacher for the extended time. Mrs. Rosenberg works with students and teachers to aid in this process. Other suitable accommodations may include oral testing or dictating test answers to a proctor, who records them. 

Academic Counseling

Individual counseling is available to any student on a drop-in basis or by appointment. During these sessions, the staff works with the student on study skills, reading strategies, self-advocacy and techniques for extended time test-taking.

Livescribe Pens

Livescribe pens are available for students to borrow and use for recording lectures in class while taking notes. Students are able to then review their notes while listening to corresponding parts of the lecture and enhance their notes as needed. The Livescribe Desktop allows students to save written notes and corresponding audio as a single PDF file.

Team Meetings

ARC members participate in at least one team meeting each year, which is attended by the student and at least one family member. Rosenberg reviews the student’s individual learning plan and addresses how the student is incorporating accommodations and study strategies into his studies. By the 11th grade, the student is able to lead the meeting because he has learned how to advocate for himself.

ARC Study Hall

ARC members are enrolled in an ARC study hall, which takes the place of their independent study period. During this period, academic support is available, as well as time for help with writing assignments, long-term projects and studying for exams. It also is the time students can access accommodations such as extended time on exams.

DVD Lending Library

A DVD lending library is available in the ARC, which consists of films and documentaries that correspond to specific course content. Included are many classic titles that the students read in their English classes and a wide range of history topics. This accommodation allows the students to familiarize themselves with content prior to reading the material, enabling them to have structure and visual cues in place when they begin to read. In no way does the video take the place of reading. It is designed to be used as an aid.

Parallel Text

Shakespearean classics with parallel text are available in the ARC for students to assist in understanding some required English readings. With the aid of parallel text, students can read Shakespeare’s original plays with a line-by-line paraphrase in contemporary language.

Working with Faculty

The Academic Resource Center assists the Junípero Serra High School faculty by providing them with individual student profiles. These profiles are typically written when a student enters Serra as a ninth grader or transfer student and are meant to provide teachers with concise, practical information that will help them work more productively with these students. The student profiles are maintained on a secure server.

National Testing Accommodations

Rosenberg guides families through the proceess to obtain accommodations for both the College Board (PSAT, SAT, AP) exams and the ACT exam. The ARC Team proctors the SAT and the ACT at Serra for students who need special accommodations such as
a reader.

Transition to College

In order to make the transition from high school to college, students in the ARC are encouraged to assemble a portfolio of information that outlines the accommodations that have been made during their high school years. The staff can assist students in providing information that has been developed by other agencies, as well as testing that has been conducted while the student was enrolled at Serra.

The ARC director and the Serra counselors also meet with students to provide information and guidelines about college admissions relative to students with learning differences.

Being a member of the ARC has provided me with a strong sense of self-belief, showing me that anything is possible. Throughout my journey at Serra, Mr. Monnéy and Mrs. Furrer offered support, which has empowered me to advocate for myself. I’m truly grateful for the opportunities the ARC has given me.

-Cooper Mills '255

The ARC Team

Gayle Rosenberg

Gayle Rosenberg

Title: Director of Academic Resource Center
Degree(s): B.A., Psychology
M.A., Special Education
Certificate of Educational Therapy, Life Teaching Credential, LD Teaching Credential
Departments: Academic Resource Center
Phone Numbers:
School: 650-345-8207 ext. 6175
André Monnéy

André Monnéy

Class of 2003
Title: ARC Associate
Degree(s): B.S., Business Administration
California Single Subject Teaching Credential, Math
M.A., Educational Leadership and Policy
Departments: Athletics, Academic Resource Center
Phone Numbers:
School: 650-345-8207 ext. 6174
Gina Furrer

Gina Furrer

Title: ARC Associate
Degree(s): BA, English
Single Subject Teaching Credential, English
MA, Curriculum and Instruction
Departments: Academic Resource Center
Phone Numbers:
School: 650-345-8207
Guillermo Jimenez

Guillermo Jimenez

Departments: Academic Resource Center
Phone Numbers:
School: 650-345-8207