AB Block Schedule

Our AB Block schedule was designed with optimum learning in mind. Seventy-five minute class periods enable our teachers to engage students in a variety of learning activities and dive into course material in greater depth. Ten-minute passing periods allow students to interact socially, enjoy a snack and decompress between classes. Students have told us that Serra’s schedule actually reduces the stress and gives them greater flexibility in managing their homework.

B-day schedules accomplish a range of needs:

  • B-Day AM Activity: Schedule for Masses, student assemblies, club meetings and office hours. Office hours are scheduled approximately 10 times per semester. They provide students with an opportunity to get extra help from teachers and make up missed lab tests and other assignments. Counselors conduct college planning seminars during selected office hours so that they can meet with groups of students without compromising class time.
  • B-Day Late Start: Schedule for faculty meetings and other events on campus where most students are not required to be present.
  • B-Day Minimum: Schedule on days when students do not need to be on campus in the afternoon, such as faculty meetings for professional development or days when sports teams have early dismissals for competition in the WCAL. Because this time is factored into the schedule, class time is not lost.
  • B-Day PM Activity: Schedule is typically used on days of rallies or other events when students are released as soon as the afternoon event is complete.
  • Homeroom meetings are held on Wednesday or Thursday of each week. Counselors often use this time to visit their groups of students.


* Zero period meets Monday-Thursday
** Homeroom will typically meet on AM & PM Act Days B-AM Adv
*** Students dismissed immediately following the activity
****All Announcement times are in bold. Please note that announcements will not be read on minimum days