Ming Williams

It is the unwavering support of the teachers at Serra that Ming Williams ‘20 will always remember.

In the fall, Ming will head to Seattle University to study biology, but he said he will always draw on his experiences at Serra and the teachers who helped shape him into the student and man he has become. 

The teachers around me have all helped shape my morals and beliefs, especially campus ministry in treating others the way we wanted to be treated -- with respect,” Ming said.  

Ming played volleyball all four years at Serra and was involved in Encounter for one year. He is most proud of earning his Eagle Scout in October 2019, but also has a passion for art. Madame 

His favorite quote is, "life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not." Ming intends to make it alright, and has a 10-year goal to be working in a research laboratory for an environmental protection agency. 

His mom has always been there to help him through life’s ups and downs, he said. “Thank you to my mom for always being there for me financially and emotionally and for helping me become the person I am today -- I couldn't have done it without you.”

Congratulations, Ming! Everyone at Serra is so proud of you!